MAR3001 Consumer Behaviour Learning Journal #3

Today's class started with a review of the previous class and expectations that Professor Neubert have on our assignments in relation to relating theories with practicality. 


In order to dive into how firms can have a say in local cultures through the use of local influencers, we were introduced to different cultural dimensions theory. 



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Particularism vs. Universalism: poses the question of whether rules or connections are more essential.


Individualism, in broad terms, is the belief that each individual should perceive himself as possessing these rights. The belief that communities have moral value and certain rights is known as communitarianism.


Specific: A firm exists to carry out specific activities and responsibilities in an effective manner. Diffuse: A firm consists of a collection of people that collaborate.


Emotional: People from a neutral culture suppress their emotions, whereas individuals from an emotional society openly express their sentiments. The civilizations of Japan and the United Kingdom are both neutral. The Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, and Spain are examples of high-emotion cultures.


People are given prestige in an achievement culture depending on how successfully they accomplish their jobs. In an ascription society, a person's position is determined by who or what they are.


Perception of time differs with culture. 


Internal direction: People assume that they can manage their surroundings in order to attain their objectives. Outer direction: People assume that nature, or their surroundings, is in charge of them. They focus their actions on others at work and in relationships, and they avoid confrontation wherever feasible.


Hofstede’s cultural dimension is very well explained in this table. 



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Corporate Finance Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved from


We ended the class with a case study of innocent. Bringing modernity and humor into shifting consumer behavior without heavily marketing the product is humbly the best way to promote a product. With the brand's image and the quality products, Innocent was able to succeed through their communicative methods and uncomplicated product designs. 


Personally, I also emphasize my purchasing methods on product design and spelling. I somehow tend to think that if a product’s design cannot spell/is not spelled correctly, I cannot expect it to produce a decent/safe product (carelessness/not detail-oriented). Therefore, I do think it is important to focus on what’s on the outside as well as to promote what is inside the product itself. 



Corporate Finance Institute. (n.d.). What is the Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory? Retrieved June 2021, from CFI:




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