Cross-Cultural Training Session 4
At the beginning of the class, we were introduced to the Fons Trompennaars Cultural Dimensions and was asked whether we would lie for a friend who was speeding to see whether we are particularistic or universalistic. Then, we had a discussion of dating cross-culturally and how it was different. Then, we watched a TedEx video of Fons Trompenaars explaining with examples the various cultural dimensions from different countries. The Trompenaars Cultural Dimensions include Universalism vs. Particularism, Individualism vs. Communitarianism, Specific vs. Diffuse, Neutral vs. Affective, Achievement vs. Ascription, Sequential time vs. Synchronous time, and Internal direction vs. External direction.
Universalism = treat all cases the same/Particularism = relationships are more important than rules. (Singapore is high on Particularism).
Individualism = outcomes are the result of your choirces/Communitarianism = quality of life is better if we help each other. (Singapore is high on Communitarianism).
Specific = personal and work life separate/Diffuse = personal and work life interconnected. (Singapore more in the middle, leaning more to Diffuse).
Neutral = don't tend to share emotions/Affective = tend to share emotions. (Singapore is highly Neutral).
Achievement = earn status through knowledge or skill /Ascription = you are given status (Singapore is in the middle, learning more to achievement).
Sequential time = projects are completed in stages/Synchronous time = the past, present and future is interwoven, they do several things at once, time is flexible (Singapore prefer Sequential time).
Internal direction = you control your environment to achieve your goals and believe in controlling outcomes/External direction = you must work with your environment to achieve your goals, people believe in letting things take their own course, higher power (Singapore prefers Internal direction).
Then, we were introduced to Edward T. Hall and his dimensions that describe the different cultures.
Polychronic = several activities at the same time/Monochronic = one thing at a time
Proxemics is the personal space between personal space.
Communication: high-context (you know people from private and professional lives) and low-context (big separation between private and personal life).
Relations: relationship (China) vs. rule-based (GER).
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