MAR3001 Consumer Behaviour Learning Journal #10
We started the last session of class today directly with the group presentations. I enjoyed listening to the presentations, especially how differently we understood the tasks assigned to us. It was increasingly surprising to me how influencers these days are honest about how unrealistic things can be and can advise you to not do the same, like Noel the body builder or ‘not a natural body builder’ as he calls himself. I do think that these type of honesty is raw and this is something so refreshing to see, especially when the influencer is promoting a lifestyle as such. I personally think that my understanding of how theory can be applied to practical matters have gained exponentially through this class as we have trials and errors in acknowledging what theory applies to what influencer tactics. Most of them are intuitive as we can easily connect such as the opinion leadership theory. Everyone can relate that we follow people who we see our values in life in or just purely find int...